What does success look like?

When it comes to website content and other business writing (technical manuals, white papers, case studies) success is what you think it is. What do you want your web content to achieve?  What’s the call to action? Who is your content for? Will your readers share, buy, follow, interact?  Will they keep coming back for more?

Miriam Zolin – extempore’s managing director, managing editor and founder – has been writing for business and the arts since she entered the work force in the 1980s. She doesn’t have the answers to all these questions. What matters is that she understands it’s necessary to ask, and keep asking.

Web content is communication. Fresh, relevant content keeps the conversation alive.

About Miriam

Miriam Zolin pic
Miriam Zolin | photo by Chaminda Susabinghe

Miriam’s resume includes roles with organisations as large as KPMG and the Victorian State Government’s Department of State Development, Business and Innovation (DSDBI). She’s also been working in the jazz scene for over a decade, building and maintaining websites for a number of high profile and less well known jazz musicians. Her list of freelance clients includes all kinds of small business, a couple of larger technology clients, a number of arts organisations, a university or two and ongoing work for  Victorian State Government. Her web content is read, shared and recommended. That’s what success looks like for Miriam!

So for web content, she has a pretty good idea of what success looks like.

Building a team

Since moving out of paid employment and working solely through her company extempore, Miriam has been consistently in demand, with a stream of work from existing and new clients. She’s building a team of top notch writers who bring experience from business, government, the arts and education. She works with writers who understand web content; how it works, what makes it sharable, compelling and relevant.

Miriam can also work with your team to share some of the tricks behind great content – if you’d like to lift your in-house content focus. Email Miriam miriam@extempore.com.au to get the conversation started.